Saturday, March 17, 2007

At Central Park ,Cannught Place

Yesterday was a gr8 day...actually day before yesterday I had gone to Ravi's home...we tried to get IMAX tickets..but there was no show even when price had been dropped to 110 !!!..anyway we just had dinner and went to his home.....saw a morning ravi was the the chef for d day....he made a delicious poha for breakfast.
....well it didnt end there ....he topped it up with a gr8 lunch.....he made some delicious dal chawal...of course with some generous help from deepa...who by the way would be really proud !!! snaps of that will post video for that....anyways at 5 was time for rendezvous with salil and trip to cannught place....we all were pretty sick of all the Malls.....nothing natural about them.....going out simply meant going to a Mall......going up and down 3 floors.....then having just have Central Park at Cannught Place was a pleasant change.....

after that just returned home and had dinner...watched india lose Bangladesh :-((....but a gr8 day for us.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

life sucks

well pretty much nothing to no calls from anywhere...i dont know what to do except dream...should have tried of onsite lot earlier ...anyways lets see...