Thursday, May 01, 2008


As you wander as a lonely
You wander as a lonely at night
You wander as a lonely on sight
You wander as a lonely at day
You wander as a lonely and pray
You wander as a lonely each day

Slow down, slow down
Shut down, shut down
Shutdown the lonely before you drown
Embrace your friends with warmth
They can give you assistance
Deliver you from your lonely existence

You keep fighting love
Bending it around like a curve
With your glowering face
Reserving only a lonely place,
Halting happiness to arrive in your life

Do you ever stop to wonder?
Do you ever stop to ponder?
Are you the reason for the lonely blunders?

Slow down, slow down
Shut down, shut down
Remove from your head that lonely crown

You wander endlessly as a lonely
Searching for a spot called homely
But your face is missing that vital smile called lovely

Copyright 2006 - Sylvia Chidi
Sylvia Chidi


Pilot-Pooja said...

Lovely collection..

I liked the ending..
"Your face is missing that vital smile called lovely "..

Guess you are a very peace loving perosn Mukul, who believes in doing good to others and expecting the same!

Mukul said...

thanks a lot pooja, How could you read my thoughts ??...No wonder everyone likes you.

Pilot-Pooja said...

Your compliment made my day Mukul!

I guess your calm and composed attitude towards life must have attracted many a folks towards you too!